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Hey, it's hard to describe myself in a text, but starting with what I am professionally! Nutritionist from PUCRS, master and doctor in...  [more]

languages  PT | EN


In person or online, an immersive co-creation experience that combines one-on-one sessions with real-life nutritional experiences.

NT®Xperience CoLab - Porto Alegre | Brazil

In-person sessions held in our NT®CoLab

Rua Francisco Ferrer 453 room 403, Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.

Mondays - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]

NT®Xperience Online - NT®Verse anywhere

Online sessions are held on NT®Verse via Zoom.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]


Hi :) I'm Isabela, nutritionist graduated from PUCRS. I traveled through different areas, always looking for something that would shine my eyes....  [most]

languages  PT


In person or online, an immersive co-creation experience that combines one-on-one sessions with real-life nutritional experiences.

NT®Xperience CoLab - Porto Alegre | Brazil

In-person sessions held in our NT®CoLab

Rua Francisco Ferrer 453 room 403, Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.

Saturdays - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]

NT®Xperience Online - NT®Verse anywhere

Online sessions are held on NT®Verse via Zoom.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays - 9:00 am to 7:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]

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Hi. My name is Gabriela and I was enchanted by the science of nutrition as a teenager, when I thought the synonym for a life...  [more]

languages  PT


Online, an immersive co-creation experience that combines one-on-one sessions with real-life nutritional experiences.

NT®Xperience Online - NT®Verse anywhere

Online sessions are held on NT®Verse via Zoom.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays — 20:00 to 21:00 [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]


Oie :) Eu sou a Isabela, nutricionista formada pela PUCRS. Transitei por diversas áreas, sempre procurando algo que me brilhasse os olhos.... [mais]

idiomas PT


Presencial ou online, uma experiência imersiva de cocriação que combina sessões one-a-one às experiências nutricionais vividas por você na vida real.

NT®Xperience CoLab - Porto Alegre | RS

Sessões presenciais realizadas em nosso NT®CoLab

Rua Francisco Ferrer 453 sala 403, Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil.

Sábados - 8:00 às 20:00h

NT®Xperience Online - NT®Verse anywhere

Sessões online são realizadas no NT®Verse via GoogleMeet.

Terças, Quartas, Quintas - 9:00 às 19:00h

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Hey! I'm Vitória, graduated in nutrition from PUCRS! I confess that nutrition wasn't my first choice, but do you know when it's supposed to be?...  [more]

languages  PT


In person or online, an immersive co-creation experience that combines one-on-one sessions with real-life nutritional experiences.

NT®Xperience CoLab - Porto Alegre | Brazil

In-person sessions held in our NT®CoLab

Rua Francisco Ferrer 453 room 403, Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.

Saturdays - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]

NT®Xperience Online - NT®Verse anywhere

Online sessions are held on NT®Verse via Zoom.

Fridays and Saturdays - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]


Hello Hello! I'm Paloma Cogo, graduated in Nutrition from PUCRS. Among my characteristics, one of them is to make others laugh...  [most]

languages  PT


In person or online, an immersive co-creation experience that combines one-on-one sessions with real-life nutritional experiences.

NT®Xperience CoLab - Porto Alegre | Brazil

In-person sessions held in our NT®CoLab

Rua Francisco Ferrer 453 room 403, Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.

Saturdays - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]

NT®Xperience Online - NT®Verse anywhere

Online sessions are held on NT®Verse via Zoom.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays — 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm | Thursdays — 10:00 am to 12:00 pm| Saturdays — 9:00 am to 6:00 pm [Brasília - DF time zone (GMT-3)]

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cancellation policy

Within 7 (seven) calendar days after payment, you will have the right to request a cancellation, as well as a full refund of the amount paid, minus administrative charges. Upon approval of the cancellation request by Nutrition Thinking® Co., we will contact you to request bank details for the refund, which will occur within 7 (seven) business days. From the 8th (eighth) calendar day after payment, you will have the right to request cancellation, however, there will be no refund of the amount paid.

rescheduling policy

All sessions are held by prior arrangement. The dates and times are defined by you on our website or with our partner throughout the process. You can change the date and/or time with up to  48 hours notice in your login area without fees. If the change is necessary after this period you will need to contact our team on +55 51 98187.0449 and we reserve the right to charge a rescheduling fee corresponding to 50% of the session value. In cases of rescheduling or cancellation within 24 hours, we reserve the right to charge the full amount of the session.

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